

By Hupile Matora CONTRIBUTOR (Opinions expressed by YOH contributors are their own.)

In the 21th century getting a job without connections or some kind of favours is being embraced as a myth. This line of thinking is not always correct. Let’s just peruse some of the tips that can help improve your chances of getting your dream job without a connections or favouritism.

When you apply for any kind of a job never think that you are overqualified.  Sometimes the degree may fool you to think that you are over qualified.  In the job market what counts a lot is experience and technical knowhow. Different companies in the world are more interested in hiring job seekers that are trainable and able to execute their duties accordingly.  It is wise to leave the university with the idea on how to fit into the new world order.

Moreover, before you start to apply for the job, ameliorate all the misconceptions about the job market. Companies by no means are not ready to employ a recent graduate as a specialist. The promotion normally come with time by the ability of proving that you are flexible and versatile. At the same time, it is recommended that do not forget your worth in the company.

Never put all your eggs in the same basket. Why can’t you spread your net? The idea is simple, the more you apply the better the chances of finding a job. Job seekers who are hungry for employment get jobs quickly than those that are passive. Let’s say you send 15 applications to different companies, chances are high that you are likely to be called for 2 or more interviews. In the same vein, it should be noted that proving you can get the job done is of paramount importance. The employer is more interested in hiring someone who can give value to the organisation. Whatever the degree says you can/ can’t do, normally doesn’t hold water. Academic qualifications are just a yard stick of proving that you are trainable.

Recommendations sometimes are underrated in the job applications. The fact that you don’t have work experience should not be used as an excuse for not adding the recommendations. You may get someone you did university group/projects with to write up recommendation on your behalf.  Most of the organisations in the modern world put weights to team players. This may increase your chances of getting the job. On the same note, recommendation are not only just for work experience, you may get someone to write something good about your behaviour, character, and attitude as an individual.

Moreover, the companies are looking for the right candidate from a pool of candidates that are ready to prove themselves. Based on this notion, don’t fool yourself by thinking that you are more intelligent or clever. Preparation is always the major ingredient of doing well in different tests such as aptitude tests.  You don’t afford to make a suicide only because you were very good in mathematics. There is a general adage which says practice makes perfect. So practice is a great deal. At the same, interview requires one to present himself very well. First appearance matters a lot.

 Organisations are looking for candidates who demonstrate high level of honest, integrity, and transparency to employ. In the same way, exhibiting the highest degree of maturity. Failure to communicate critical information could cost one a job even after a successful interview.

Remuneration is very integral, but it is wise that it should be the first on your mind when you are hunting for a job. Never be quick to ask a lot of money because you are of the opinion that your degree is very special. Not asking should be conflated with forgetting your worth.

Believe in yourself, it is not too late to get the job of your choice.  Opportunities are there waiting for the hunters. Apply now, not tomorrow because tomorrow never come. I wish you all the best.

MATORA HUPILE is a graduate student in International Relations in Turkey. He is a social entrepreneur. He writes on his personal capacity. He can be contacted on [email protected]

Matora hail from Harare, Zimbabwe

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