Online Courses


Status: Available

Timeline: Starts 30 May 2020

Cost: Free

Institution: University of California, Berkeley 


Duration: 6 weeks

Topics to be covered:

  • The basic properties and intent of centralized/decentralized currency and an in-depth understanding of Bitcoin from the ground up, including – Identity, Transactions, Record Keeping, and Consensus.
  • The roots of Bitcoin in the Cypherpunk movement and Libertarian ideals, and the revolutionary significance of Bitcoin as opposed to some of its early predecessors.
  • The mechanics behind Bitcoin, such as the Bitcoin network, cryptography and cryptographic hash functions, Bitcoin Script, privacy, and hash commitment schemes.
  • Real-world aspects of Bitcoin, such as wallets, wallet mechanics, mining, transactions, and Bitcoin governance and the various ways one can interface with the Bitcoin network.
  • How to destroy Bitcoin, including various network attacks.
  • The properties behind the second largest blockchain platform, Ethereum, including the Ethereum Virtual Machine and the idea of Turing completeness, the key protocol differences between Bitcoin and Ethereum, the use cases of Ethereum.

How to join the course?

Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”- Winston S. Churchill

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