International ScholarshipsScholarships


Apply for the DeepMind AI Scholarship

Deadline: Varying

About the DeepMind AI Scholarship

The scholarship programme

Increasing representation in AI Scholarship offers a huge opportunity to bring diverse values, hopes, and concerns into conversations about the design and deployment of AI – and this is critical if AI is going to be a technology that benefits everyone. We also believe this is key to the potential for AI being one of the most important technologies ever invented.

Support for all

We established the AI scholarship programme in an effort to help build a stronger and more inclusive AI community, who can bring a wider range of experiences to the fields of AI and computer science. The scholarships provide financial support to students from underrepresented groups seeking to study graduate courses relating to AI and adjacent fields. Scholars are also offered support from a DeepMind mentor, and have opportunities to attend leading AI academic conferences and DeepMind events.

Future generations of AI researchers and engineers must bring different perspectives to the development of AI, and as such they must be representative of the world around us.” – OBUM EKEKE (UNIVERSITY RELATIONS AND EDUCATIONAL PARTNERSHIP LEAD)

Expanding the reach of our AI scholarship

Universities in many countries around the world offer DeepMind scholarships to applicants for graduate study in AI.


South Africa





Thoughts from our scholars (AI Scholarship)

Hear more about the scholarship programme through the perspective of three DeepMind scholars.

Youth Opportunities Hub

Sanae L.

New York University

As someone who comes from an underrepresented group in AI/ML, I think one of the biggest barriers is a lack of information. My advice to students would be to harness every single resource you can access, and aim for excellence in your work.

Explore every possible avenue for information. Interact with your mentor and university professors, try to attend workshops and conferences and don’t be afraid to reach out to people that work in the sub-field you’re interested in. Taking these steps might help reduce some of the natural fears that go along with pursuing a degree in AI/ML.

Youth Opportunities Hub

Gloriose H.

Queen Mary University of London

My advice?

Your voice is needed. Your experience is needed. Your perspective and understanding are needed. Work for the people and communities that are often forgotten, and don’t be afraid to get involved. Take part in the design to ensure products are inclusive. Collaborate, learn from others and always work towards diversity and unity.

Youth Opportunities Hub

Raymond D.

University College London

Having a DeepMind mentor was invaluable. Not only was he able to give me insight into the industry as a whole, he was able to help me think through what direction I wanted to go in my career.

I used to think I was only interested in pursuing a future in research, but through conversations with my mentor and exposure at conferences, I started to equally consider applications of machine learning and computer science. Looking forward, I hope to find myself at the intersection of research and application!

How can you apply for an AI Scholarship?

Scholarships are offered by participating universities directly to applicants for specific AI-related courses. Universities make information about upcoming DeepMind scholarships available when these opportunities are open.

Who qualifies for a scholarship?

These scholarships aim to support talented students from groups currently underrepresented in AI by removing barriers to access as they progress from undergraduate to postgraduate study.

In each region, given local circumstances, individual universities may offer scholarships to students from varying underrepresented groups. Very broadly, these groups may span gender, race, ethnicity, and socio-economic background, as well as students from certain regions with lower AI participation (such as Africa, Eastern Europe, and Latin America).

How are the scholars selected?

Universities offer scholarships to promising students from underrepresented groups who need funding to take up a place on a postgraduate course relating to AI.

What sort of financial support does the AI scholarship offer?

The scholarships aim to ensure that scholars receive full financial support (tuition, stipend or living costs, and a grant for necessary equipment and attendance at an academic conference). Scholars are generally supported financially for the duration of their study, from the year they join their course. In a few cases, where graduate funding is already available through the university or department, DeepMind scholarships serve to enhance the existing funding, support the educational experience, and give the scholar the opportunity to focus more fully on their studies.

What sort of mentoring does DeepMind provide to scholars?

Scholars can choose to be matched with a personal DeepMind mentor, who supports the mentee to develop their confidence and pursue their goals for up to one academic year. DeepMind mentoring is focused on personal development and growth. Mentors are not supervisors or academic advisors, and don’t provide support with research topics or directions, but do aim to help the mentee to build skills that will help them succeed in their graduate course and beyond.

For more information about the DeepMind AI Scholarship WEBSITE

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African Union Commission Scholar || Founder @ Youth Opportunities Hub || Former RBA COST/Sahel Team at UNDP || TEF Alumni ||

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