

By Lewis Madziire CONTRIBUTOR (Opinions expressed by YOH contributors are their own.)

It is usually true for almost everyone to play a victim of losing themselves as they try to blend or get into a trade. Things that people are exposed to make them lose their original touch. A person just goes where everyone is going without taking into consideration if it suits them or it makes a part of them.

Most teachings and training we get tells us to do things in a certain way. This does not push us to be stereotypes of other people’s methods. It worked well for them that way because it was their way, not yours. They are able to do it in the morning maybe you are more active and ready to act in the noon or at night. Do it your own way.

Some people became entrepreneurs, sportsmen and got financially free. It does not give you the same freedom because it is not you. If you are going to succeed by the book that is your way do not be tempted to think it is wrong. This goes for those who are streetwise or labor in the industry, we are all different in our own ways.

Claim yourself back and start working presenting yourself best in your own way. The results will be amazing. When you do things in your own way it becomes easy. A lifestyle that does not belong to you is hard to maintain than your real true way of life which is self-maintaining and self-balanced.

The principles given to you are basic guides to what is needed in life. If you are told and motivated to be hardworking and be patient, how you exercise patience and work hard it is all up to you. Some maybe aggressive in the approach and you are soft. If you follow aggression you will think everything is wrong. On this one I see most people losing it because they lack the application part of things they encounter in life. Just think of how we all know that a person walks, but our steps are different even the way we feel when we raise our feet.

Learn to own yourself, that is the art of creating a nice place for yourself. This is how you blend well among people. You cannot be everyone in the room neither can you please them all. Have your principles on check and remember a man with no principles always follow others.

It is like you are in debt when you are acting in a way that does not reflect the real you. A debt is stressful by night and a great disgrace during the day. It is already hard to be yourself, why are you trying to be someone you are not. People will like the brand called you if you value it and you are happy with it. Be in charge and do things your way because you are you.

Be independent, it saves you a lot. This gives you freedom as you link and mingle with people on equal grounds without exposing yourself to a subject of being taken advantage of. It is part of human beings to try to do our best to please people who do us favors. You need to be content with what you have and accept gifts only if they have no conditions direct or indirect. Interdependence is your shield. Be there for people when they need you like they do when you need them. If possible, do not receive more than you give. In other words, do not be a miscellaneous burden on some people’s shoulders.

I hate to hear someone telling me they are doing me a favor. It makes me feel inferior. Even in a deal, it leaves me with no room for bargain or negotiations. Do not be undervalued under the name of ‘favors’. Amazingly when we are told that phrase, ‘I am doing you a favor’, we freeze and thank God for an answered prayer. During these days of social media, a person does not delay updating their status ‘favored beyond measure’. These acts kill us softly. Our skills to use our potentials and skills are put behind closed doors because of that. The truth saves you, the same as owning yourself and being equal to the task.

Lewis Madziire has been writing and speaking as a motivational speaker for over two years. He has vast acquired knowledge as a Finance graduate, life coach and fitness coach. This helps him attain his aim to help society create a balanced life-financially, socially and health-wise.  His book “The anchor” is a life-changing manual that you must grab. Lewis can be contacted via email [email protected]/

Lewis hail from Harare, Zimbabwe

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African Union Commission Scholar || Founder @ Youth Opportunities Hub || Former RBA COST/Sahel Team at UNDP || TEF Alumni ||

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