The City of Johannesburg Municipality is offering 200 bursaries to South African youths

The City of Johannesburg Municipality is offering 200 bursaries to South African youths
DEADLINE: 04 November 2024
This opportunity is open to YOUTH in the Johannesburg community
The City of Johannesburg Municipality is committed to provide skills development and educational opportunities, not only for its employees, but also for the Johannesburg community members. The City is offering 200 bursaries to South African youth, who permanently reside in Johannesburg, to pursue full time undergraduate studies.
Criteria for selection
- Selection of successful candidates will be strictly on academic merit.
- Applicants are expected to study at an accredited South African tertiary institution.
- Applicants should not be in receipt of any other grants/bursaries/any form of funding for study purposes.
- The bursary is for qualifications of no less than one year.
- The bursary is not applicable for post graduate qualifications.
The bursary is renewable annually, based on academic performance/results.
It is the student’s responsibility to seek admission at a tertiary institution.
Also Check: Johannesburg Stock Exchange Bursary for the 2025 Academic Year: JSE Empowerment Fund (JEF)
The Bursary covers
Tuition and registration fees, prescribed books and/or study material and is limited to the amount of R40 000,00 per academic year.
Certified copies of the following must accompany applications:
- Most recent academic record.
- South African identity Document.
- Proof of residency in Johannesburg (statement of Water & Lights, Rates & Taxes).
- Parents proof of income/death certificate(s) affidavit in cases where the student does not have one or both parents