
The International High School Screenwriting Contest

The International High School Screenwriting Contest

DEADLINE: 30 April 2023

The International High School Screenwriting Contest

The International High School Screenwriting Contest is a student-run free screenwriting contest for high schoolers around the world.

We saw that many creative teenagers were struggling to find an output for their writing; because everywhere they turned to was either blocked by a paywall that they couldn’t pay, or they couldn’t find a free contest of quality.

Here at the International High School Screenwriting Contest we provide quality judges and a contest dedicated to encouraging young screenwriters of the world for free.

Awards & Prizes

First in the feature, short, and Climate Change Screenwriting Award categories will each receive a free script consultation from ScreenReaders!

First, second, and third in the feature and shorts category will each receive a certificate recognizing their place in the competition.

First, second, and third in the Climate Change Screenwriting Award will each receive a certificate from the IHSSC and from the Basel Agency for Sustainable Energy recognizing their place in the Competition.

In addition, ScreenReaders will provide 50% off for any of their services for second place in any category, 25% off for third place in any category, and 15% off for any other participant! Check out their link here:

Rules & Terms

-The contest is exclusively open to high school students (ages 13-19) or an international equivalent.

-Characters and stories must be original content.

-Each person can submit as many screenplays as they like.

-If you want to include drawings or visuals place those on the cover or title page.

-The feature category accepts scripts 31 pages or more, the short scripts category accepts 30 pages or less, while the Climate Change Screenwriting Award category accepts any script length.

-When writing your script please use proper formatting, learn about proper formatting here, and find a free screenwriting software here

CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE COMPETITION ONLINE: The International High School Screenwriting Contest


ALSO CHECK: Global Teacher Prize (USD $1 million award presented to an exceptional teacher)

ALSO CHECK: Christian Aid is looking to hire a Country Director for the DRC Program (Goma, DRC)


African Union Commission Scholar || Founder @ Youth Opportunities Hub || Former RBA COST/Sahel Team at UNDP || TEF Alumni ||

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