

By Patience Ottoh CONTRIBUTOR (Opinions expressed by YOH contributors are their own.)

It is no small wonder that leadership is so difficult to find these days, much less define.

You hear so many conflicting voices and many examples that you are not sure what to do.

Many leaders have reinforced the notion that leadership is autocratic.

You have been convinced to equate leadership with power and trappings.

The inaction of bureaucrats often compels you to believe that leadership is a bottleneck that stops progress and stifles creativity.

Leadership gurus try to convince you that by developing a few selected skills, you can instantly become a qualified leader on any stage.

These are all errors that contribute to the overall confusion about leadership.

Leadership may be many things, but there are also many things leadership is not.

Leadership is not a title.

Leadership is not a position.

Leadership is not a particular style.

Leadership is not a particular set of personality traits.

Leadership is not a particular set of skills.

These are merely the external trappings of leadership, not the true essence of leadership.

In my up-and-coming book, I carefully shared the true essence of leadership and the systems that work in the 21st century leadership.

When all is said and done, without a solid foundation of attitude and productive habits, you will always fail as a leader.

You must be able to translate skill and personality characteristics into result.

The key to that process lies in values, attitudes and the basic elements of achievements.

You can now say that, ‘a good man is a good leader and a bad man is a bad leader’, simple!

It has nothing with the position. See beyond it!

PS/ “If there is no transformation inside each of us, all the structural change in the world will have no impact in our organizations”.

What do you think leadership really is?

Let’s hear you in the comment section.

©Patience Ottoh.

Leadership Surgeon.

Patience Ottoh is a Leadership Surgeon/Consultant; Certified Educator; Public Speaker/Writer; Lover of God/Leader of man. She can be contacted at the following email: [email protected]

Patience hail from Calabar, Nigeria

Youth Opportunities Hub




African Union Commission Scholar || Founder @ Youth Opportunities Hub || Former RBA COST/Sahel Team at UNDP || TEF Alumni ||

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