

UK South Africa Plastics Innovation & Circularity Challenge

DEADLINE: 17 January 2023

UK South Africa Plastics Innovation & Circularity Challenge

With the support of the UK South Africa -Tech Hub, an initiative of the UK Government, SOLVE@Waterfront, and OceanHub Africa are calling for innovative solutions to address plastic issues in South Africa.

This challenge is for you…

…If you are based in South Africa, and have developed an innovative business/technological solution to problem plastics, such as:

  • Technologies/systems to increase the rate of plastic collection
  • Technologies/behavior change to facilitate the separation of waste after use or at the source
  • A solution to better manage low-value plastics (single-use plastics, multi-layered packaging) through reuse and recycling
  • Digital technology to address plastic pollution (e.g. behaviour change, reduction of the use of plastics, collection/sorting, recycling, tracking system)
  • And any other innovation that could stop the leakage of plastic into the ocean
  • A prototype of any of the above, which you are ready to test.


  • Your startup is contributing to plastic circularity
  • You are an incorporated for-profit and operate in South Africa ?
  • You are a scalable service or product currently or soon to be available on the market
  • Your product or service is clearly innovative and/or your business model is disruptive
  • You are looking to grow your economic, social, and environmental impact

Prizes to be won

As the winning finalist of the plastic innovation and circularity challenge you will:

  • Be awarded R175 000 to further develop your innovation and business
  • Be featured on the partners’ websites and their social media channels
  • Have a chance to pitch in front of investors and other stakeholders during the leading African event on ocean-impact innovation, Ocean Innovation Africa Summit,
  • Automatically secure admission in OceanHub Africa’s 2023-2024 cohort, 1st Pan-African accelerator program designed to support blue entrepreneurs

Access prototyping and testing facilities at the V&A Waterfront (if suitable).

As the runner-up of the plastics innovation and circularity challenge you will:

  • Be awarded R25 000 to further develop your innovation and business
  • Be featured on the partners’ websites and their social media channels
  • Have a chance to pitch in front of investors and other stakeholders during the leading African event on ocean-impact innovation, Ocean Innovation Africa Summit,
  • Automatically secure admission in OceanHub Africa’s 2023-2024 cohort, 1st Pan-African accelerator program designed to support blue entrepreneurs

Access prototyping and testing facilities at the V&A Waterfront (if suitable).

Click here to apply online for the UK South Africa Plastics Innovation & Circularity Challenge

Click here to apply online for the UK South Africa Plastics Innovation & Circularity Challenge



ALSO CHECK: Türkiye Scholarships 2023 Applications are now open (Study in Turkey)



African Union Commission Scholar || Founder @ Youth Opportunities Hub || Former RBA COST/Sahel Team at UNDP || TEF Alumni ||

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