

Deadline: 21 August|

Location: West Nile, Uganda|

Report to: Child Protection Facilitator|

Contract: 1-2 years

Who can apply?

Anyone with the required qualifications

Purpose of the position:

The Child Protection Assistant is responsible for timely field level implementation, monitoring and documentation of children activities ran through Child Friendly Spaces (CFS) and Peace clubs. The Child Protection Assistant is responsible for data management, capacity building of community structures, mobilization of community members for community engagement, conduct awareness raising sessions on child protection with community child protection committees and children/youth in targeted localities. She/he will represent the project in all appropriate community meetings deemed necessary for reaching project goals.

Major Responsibilities:


  • Motivate and ensure teamwork among caseworkers and volunteers for greater ministry impact, in the community.
  • Support community systems, children groups and stakeholders in advocating for child protection, participation, and psychosocial care within the CFS.
  • Facilitate the integration of social protection activities with within the refugee settlements and host communities
  • Handle visitors including donors, support office and national office staff, stakeholders, in line with the child protection policy and behavioral protocol.
  • Work with children and communities to design and deliver psychosocial support activities including recreational, creative, cultural and social activities for children in their communities and at the child friendly spaces according to the agreed plan of action.
  • Provide information for projects design, implementation, monitoring and reporting
  • Mobilize community meetings with children and key stakeholders at community, sub county and district levels.
  • Support children, community systems, animators with knowledge on referral pathway to facilitate identification, documentation, creation of bio-database, placements, monitoring tracing and follow-up of psychosocial case management
  • Facilitate case management, and data collection in line with the required and approved standards
  • Collect and compile statistical data and information regarding caregivers, community members and children participation in activities at the CFS and peace clubs.
  • Monitor CFS implementation as per the global minimum children in emergencies protection standards.
  • Facilitate community to establish systems aimed at strengthening community capacity in responding to SBGV and child abuse cases in the refugee settlements.
  • Mobiles communities to identify children with disabilities and model families for the project’s implementation.
  • Facilitate progress of activity implementation to ensure highest quality standards and accountability based on LEAP framework, the IASC and WVI standards.
  • Develop regular monthly, quarterly and annual project management reports.
  • Prepare detailed implementation plans based on approved and funded proposals and submit to social protection coordinator for approval

Technical and Capacity Building

  • Mentor and build the capacity of children, community caregivers, animators, community structures in child protection, positive parenting, peaceful coexistence and the learning framework using approved approached and models.
  • Support communities, community structures, animators, partners and children in maintaining the minimum standards for child participation, psychosocial care, and early child hood development and Peace Building.
  • Develop tools to manage data and information collection and analysis in establishing and maintaining a Monitoring and Evaluation adherences
  • Document impact and success stories evidenced with quality pictures to share milestone with staff, partners and donors
  • Facilitate the CFS and peace building community volunteer in data confidentiality and management system
  • Data cleaning, follow-ups and feedback from the CFSs so as they enter it in the information management system.
  • Regular updates and monitoring of the CFSs to ensure technical support is given in regard to play equipment and materials as per the global minimum standards.
  • Facilitate communities to fully participate in project activities for enhanced community ownership, peaceful coexistence and sustainability.
  • Facilitate advocacy forums led by children on issues affecting them. The forums are aimed at awareness creation and sensitization of communities’ psychosocial operations.
  • Establish appropriate contacts with local counterparts at the Counties and district level

Financial Management Budget control and Monitoring

  • Prepare concepts notes, project activity budgets, expenditure, and preparation of activity quarterly financial and narrative reports as per the grant guidelines and submit them within the agreed timeframes.
  • Preparation of payment, advance and purchase requests in provision for appropriate project transactions in line with approved M&E documents.
  • File all accountability and attendance lists in line with audit requirements.

Partnership, Networking & Advocacy:

  • Conduct monthly parents meeting to share the achievements of children
  • Together with CPiF and CPiE Coordinator, create awareness raising messages (IEC) for parents about child protection, childcare and psychosocial impact on parents and children.
  • Document success story of life changing of children.
  • Document any feedback provided by parents or children about children activities, and take actions to improve or feed into programming
  • Establish and liaise closely with other partners, agencies and local leaders regarding project activities to ensure and promote a coordinated approach to project implementation, including participation in relevant workshops, meetings and to keep the Response Manager informed
  • Share relevant information on child protection to support advocacy initiatives
  • Establish appropriate contacts with local counterparts at district level and community level

Qualifications: Education/Knowledge/Technical Skills and Experience

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences, Social Work and Social Administration (SWASA), Community psychology, Development studies, education or related fields
  • At least 2 years of experience in working with refugees, peace building basic education and nutrition
  • Should have strong collaboration and networking skills
  • Excellent writing and documentation skill.
  • Past exposure and experience with community, stakeholders, children work and coordination.
  • Very strong communication skills
  • Strong interpersonal relationship and team building back ground
  • Excellent analytical, documentation, problem solving, interpersonal and negotiation skills
  • Possess the ability to work with different partners, local authorities, local organizations and NGOs, to develop and maintain positive collaboration and relationship.
  • Cross-cultural sensitivity, flexible worldview, emotional maturity and physical stamina.
  • Ability to maintain performance expectations in diverse cultural contexts, psychologically stressful environments and physical hardship conditions with limited resources
  • Ability to cope and deal with stress and work under stressful work conditions is a requirement
  • Commitment to World Vision Core Values and Vision Statement
  • Ability to exhibit exemplary lifestyle as interpreted in specific local cultural context. 

How to apply:

Please submit your application and complete Curriculum Vitae, to Website:


African Union Commission Scholar || Founder @ Youth Opportunities Hub || Former RBA COST/Sahel Team at UNDP || TEF Alumni ||

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