ScholarshipsInternational Scholarships


Deadline: 15 December 2020

Location: Holland/Netherlands

NB_ The scholarships are meant for specific projects, so not for ‘regular eduaction’ such as bachelor, master or PhD (mandatory medical internships included in regular education).

About the scholarship

The Minerva Scholarship Fund is a fund that gives scholarships to students of Leiden University for scientific project abroad. You can’t apply if you’re not already studying at Leiden University. The fund does NOT grant scholarships to people who want to study at Leiden University itself.

Since 2009, the Minerva Scholarship Fund Foundation (MSF) has provided Leiden University students of all disciplines with scholarships for study and research projects. The MSF also strives to support exceptional student projects overseas.


Archaeology, Humanities, Medicine/LUMC, Governance and Global Affairs, Law, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Science, Interfacultair Centrum voor Lerarenopleiding, Onderwijsontwikkeling en Nascholing (ICLON)

Eligibility requirements

  • You are registered as a Bachelor or Master student at Leiden University.
  • You do not need to be a member of L.S.V. Minerva.
  • The application pertains to an exceptional or prestigious study or research project in the Netherlands or abroad.
  • The project falls into one of the following categories: internship, study or research.  PhD tracks and complete Master programmes are not eligible. 


  • Within three months of the end of the project, you must submit a project report with accompanying images.

Scholarship amount

  • Between €500 and €2000
  • The following expenses can be subsidised: research costs; international travel and living costs.

Application process

  1. Download an application form from
  2. Complete the form.
  3. Check you have all the required documents.
  4. Submit your complete application dossier to the address provided, before the deadline.

Note: There are two MSF application rounds per year. The deadlines for these are 15 April and 15 December.

Selection process

  • The allocation committee (consisting of Leiden lecturers from various disciples) will evaluate all applications on the basis of predetermined criteria. During the evaluation process, attention is given to the relevance of the research and how it will contribute to the advancement of academic knowledge.
  • You will be informed (max.) one month after the application deadline whether you have been awarded a scholarship.  

It is not possible to appeal against scholarship decisions.

Specific information

The Minerva Scholarship Fund Foundation is a registered charity (ANBI) in terms of Dutch income tax laws. Donations to the foundation are tax deductible. Donations must meet certain criteria to qualify for ANBI status.

See also similar scholarships:


The Minerva Scholarship Fund Foundation aims to provide scholarships for study and research projects within various fields of study. In particular, the MSF strives to fund exceptional and exclusive student projects, both in the Netherlands and abroad. The Minerva Scholarship Fund is an initiative of the Leiden Minerva Student Association.


The student is responsible for submitting a complete application, according to the steps described above and before the aforementioned deadline. Leiden University and MSF cannot be held responsible for late and/or incomplete applications.

More information

Minerva Scholarship Fund
Mail: [email protected] or  [email protected]


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